Zainuddin, Hasan, 2017. The Use of Macromedia Flash as a Medium to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Seventh Grade of Smp Istiqlal Sumbercenteng Probolinggo. Skripsi, English Education Depatment Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Islamic University of Malang. Advisor 1: Drs. Yahya Alaydrus, M.Pd; Advisor 2; Kurniasih, S.Pd, M.A.

Key words: vocabulary mastery, and Macromedia Flash.
The objective of this research was to improve the vocabulary mastery of seventh grade students of SMP Istiqlal Sumbercenteng by using interactive multimedia, Macromedia Flash. Based on preliminary observation, some problems were found by the researcher. The students had difficulties in comprehending the text because they lack of vocabulary. This situation made the student feel bored in the class and made them unmotivated in learning English.
  This research was categorized Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of this study was the seventh grade of SMP Istiqlal Sumebercenteng, Probolinggo in the academic year of 2016-2017. The class consist 29 students. It was supported by using some instruments. There was observation, observation checklist, field note, and the students’ score from the preliminary test and vocabulary test. The data from observation and others were analyzed in qualitatively and quantitively. The steps of this study were planning, action, observation and reflection. The actions were conducted on Thursday, May 18th 2017, Friday, May 19th 2017, Saturday, 20th 2017.

The result of this study is about the use of Macromedia Flash to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery. The result of this study was successful in one cycle because the students’ problem has been solved. The research finding also supported by the result of the test. Based on the preliminary test, the student’s score was bad. Almost more than  60 percent the student got poor score. The research showed that the use of Macromedia flash in teaching vocabulary can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. It from the vocabulary test, more than 20 students got good/excellent score. 
